Rural Smile Foundation is a local NGO registered with the Ghana Government department of registration of companies, the Registrar General Department In 2017. Our mission is to woke with communities and other development partners to support women with economic empowerment, children with quality education and persons with disability in skills acquisition most in rural communities.
Since then, we have embarked on some life changing projects in the rural community schools by educating over 5,000 girls so far on menstrual hygiene management which seeks to provide girls knowledge on the natural phenomenon that occurs to them. This has tremendously changed the attitude of young girls in school about menstruation.
We have successfully organized essay writing competition for junior high school students to help sharpen their writing skills and also help them to write for development. This has gone a long way to enhance the writing skills of students within the Ejura community.
We also have the reading and homework assistance project for kids each and every Saturday at the Ejura Community library where we read with kids, assist those who are struggling and above all, support those with Homework. We have also donated backpacks, School uniforms as well as School sandals for the poor but needy students in rural communities in Ghana.
Girls leadership is at the heart of what we do. As such, we organize girl’s leadership summit where we invite role models to speak and empower the girls to believe in themselves that, it is also possible to go to school and become the change agents with their society. This girl’s leadership summit has gone a long way to imbue in young girls the love for leadership roles in their respective schools and communities.
On Persons with disability, we have helped some of them to get wheelchairs and currently established a sewing center that is training persons living with disability. This is aimed at giving them hope for the future.
Finally, we have affected the lives of over 10,000 students through our Mentorship Projects. This is a project that seeks to awaken the seriousness of students, provide with career guidance and academic performance guidelines. This has gone a long way to help many students realize the kind of career path to take.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit. Quisque at eros id ex feugiat tristique eget auctor vehicula lectus non rhoncus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit. Quisque at eros id ex feugiat tristique eget auctor vehicula lectus non rhoncus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit. Quisque at eros id ex feugiat tristique eget auctor vehicula lectus non rhoncus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit. Quisque at eros id ex feugiat tristique eget auctor vehicula lectus non rhoncus.
Advisor (Vocational & General Agric.Programs)
Executive Director of Rural Smile
Deputy Executive Director
Project Supervisor
Head of I.T